
Animation is a powerful tool that can be used to communicate your brand’s message and make money. Forget what people say about artists being broke – animation pays the bills… and even more!

How to Make Passive Income with Animation

How can animation help your business and your clients’ business? How is animation used as a communication and marketing tool? How do you make passive income with animation? Okay, those are a lot of questions!

Learn Adobe After Effects Basics - AE for Beginners

Are you interested in learning animation? Do you want to learn Adobe After Effects but feel intimidated by simply opening the program?

How to create an animated social media post

The hardest thing in animation is the how-to. How to animate something to grab more attention.                                                                                        

How to create an animated Instagram Story | After Effects

In this After Effects tutorial, you will learn how to design and animate an Instagram Story inside After Effects.

How to create an animated Typography Scene | After Effects

Check out this video tutorial and learn how to create an animated typography scene inside After Effects. 

How to Create Shape Transitions | After Effects Tutorial

In this tutorial, Kumiko is going to show you how to create Shape Transitions in no time, inside After Effects.                                                                                                                      

Creative Typography Animation Using After Effects: Tutorial

This tutorial is a guide on how to make a creative typography animation in After Effects. This process is easy, fast, and you’ll learn how to animate type with just 25 minutes of your time!

Flickering Text Effect - How to Create a Text Scene

In this tutorial video, we gonna cover how to create a text scene with the “flickering” effect in After Effects. 

How To Create Auto-Resizing Boxed Titles | After Effects

Free After Effects Tutorial: Create your very own auto-resizing titles! You want it! You got it!

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